There is new Code Enforcement personnel in town and you may have already seen or met Bradly Shaffer driving around inspecting yards for code compliance.
After being on route for a few weeks there are a few codes from the City of Port Lavaca ordinances he would like for you to know after the recent rains:
1) Vegetation- grass, weeds, and wild brush of whatever nature is to be maintained and not to exceed a height of 12 inches whether grown, accumulated, stacked or piled.
2) Stagnant water left standing for longer than a 48-hour period should be dumped or removed in some manner to deter mosquitos and to keep from getting a foul or stale odor.
3) Clippings- When mowing and edging your lawns, be sure to clean-up any clippings that may have blown into the streets. These clippings make their way into our storm drains and wreak havoc on our sewer system.

If you don’t have a mower, trimmer, hedger, or any other lawn care equipment needed to maintain your yard, contact the Building Department at 361-552-9793 x 232 and ask about the NEW! FREE Lawn Library where you can borrow lawn care equipment for FREE up to three days with an active City of Port Lavaca utility account.
You can report any concerns to Bradley at 361-552-9793 x241 or 361-408-0536.