Chunk the Junk
May 10 @ 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
SAVE THE DATE for this city-wide beautification event.
Do you have unwanted brush, household items, and bulky items stacking up around your home? Maybe even just a few tires? Well, pack your junk in your trunk and head on over to 628 W. George Street where our unsung community heroes, Public Works, will unload your junk while you remain in your vehicle. Help us keep our community clean!
Accepted Items:
Bulky Items
Scrap Metal
Household Furniture
Appliances (No A/C or refrigerators)
Tires (No rims or tractor tires)
Please do not bring: electronics or Hazardous Materials
****Must show your City of Port Lavaca water bill at the gate to participate.****