Brush will be collected Monday through Friday on the 1st and 3rd week of each month. No construction debris.
- June-2022.pdf
Brush Set out Time / Placement
If your regular service days are Monday and Thursday, your brush and bulky pick up will be the 1st full week of the month.
If your regular service days are Tuesday and Friday, your brush and bulky pick up will be the 3rd full week of the month.
In either situation, it is advised that you have the items set out for pick up on Monday of your scheduled week.
If you are missed, don’t panic. They may be running behind schedule due to an increase in volume during peak seasons, equipment break downs, or excessive wet ground conditions. They will continue with servicing until the area is completed. If you feel like an excessive amount of time has lapsed, you may call City Hall to report the issue.
To avoid a non pick-up of brush on the designated week, do not place debris pile near or under power lines, fencing, telephone poles, mail boxes, utility meters and parked cars. Such conditions or piles mixed with other materials will be cause for non-collection of brush pick up.
Clean Brush: Will be serviced on scheduled weeks. Items include any cutting or trimming from trees or shrubs that do not exceed 5 feet in length. Individual limbs or trimmings of less than 3 inches in diameter and stacked neatly not exceed 12 cu. yards.
Bulky Waste: Will be picked up on the 2nd regular trash collection date. Items include stoves, refrigerators which have CFC’s removed by Cert. Tech. water tanks, washing machines, all other household appliances, furniture, and other non construction materials.
Do not mix bulky and brush in the same pile.