Frequently Asked Questions – Municipal Court

1. What is the fine amount of my ticket?
Click here for City of Port Lavaca fine schedule.

2. What are my options?
You have several options in handling your citation.  To simply make a payment, click here for our payment options. Online and telephone payments constitute a plea of no contest and are entered as a judgment of guilt and is reported to DPS as a conviction on your driving record.
If eligible, there are two options available to keep the offense off your driving record. We offer the options of Deferred Disposition or Defensive Driving..

3. How can I check to see if my ticket is in warrant status?
Warrant listings can be found here.

*Under Construction

4. When is my court date?
You are given an appearance arrangement date meaning that you must appear either in person or by mail on or before the date on your citation. The state of Texas has special requirements for juvenile defendants that can be found here. Faxing or calling the court do not constitute an appearance.

5. Can I get an extension over the phone?
No. A request for extension must be made in person or in writing.

6. I’d like to talk to the judge. How can I do that?
The Judge is available Thursday’s at 1:00 p.m. Your opportunity to speak with the judge is on the court date on your citation. If you would like to see the judge before your court date, contact the Municipal Court to be scheduled to be seen off-docket.