Municipal Court

The Port Lavaca Municipal Court handles all class C misdemeanor traffic and city ordinance violations written by Port Lavaca City Police, Code Enforcement and Animal Control departments. The mission of Municipal Court is to provide impartial and equal justice under the law in a courteous, professional and efficient manner.

Appearances Must be made within 10 calendar days of the date you received your citation and may be made by mail or in person. You may call the Court with questions regarding your citation, however, a telephone call does not constitute an appearance.

NOTE: No information about a citation will be given to any individual other than the Defendant or his/her attorney without a written request presented to the Judge.

Court Business Hours

Hours of Operation: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday -Friday
Office: 361.552.9793 Ext. 268/226

Court Hours of Operation: Court begins at 1:00 pm

Municipal Court is in session, specific, Thursday’s at 1:00 P.M. You are scheduled to appear before the Judge on the date specified on your citation.


Raymond B. Perez
Presiding Judge

Liliana Ortiz
Deputy Court Clerk
361-552-9793 Ext. 226
Sandra Novelo
Deputy Court Clerk
361-552-9793 Ext. 268

Court E-mail


The court is located in City Hall at 202 N. Virginia St, Port Lavaca, Texas.
The mailing address is: 202 N. Virginia St., Port Lavaca, Texas 77979


Cases that are filed in Municipal Court include (but are not limited to), traffic violations, Class C misdemeanors and violations of City Ordinance. The mission of Municipal Court is to provide impartial and equal justice under to law in a courteous, professional and efficient manner.

Traffic Violations

Traffic violations include moving and nonmoving violations, commercial vehicle violations, failure to maintain financial responsibility, no drivers’ license, etc.

Class C Misdemeanors

Class C misdemeanors (crimes punishable by a maximum fine of $500) include: public intoxication, theft (less than $100), disorderly conduct, minors in possession of alcohol, possession of drug paraphernalia. etc.

Violations of City Ordinance

Includes violations of juvenile curfew, environmental violations, rubbish at a residence, and animal violations, etc.

Appearances Must be made within 10 calendar days of the date you received your citation and may be made by mail or in person. All Juveniles (16 and younger) must appear in person and be with a parent or guardian. This also applies to 17 year old minors with alcohol/ tobacco violations. This is required by law. You may call the Court with questions regarding your citation, however, a telephone call does not constitute an appearance.